Knowledge Base
Sign up For A Free Basic Account
1. Navigate to, in the upper right hand corner, click Sign Up.
2. Enter first name, last name, email address, password, institute name, city, choose Basic Plan from the dropdown control, select I agree to terms, and click Sign Up.
3. On successful institute account creation, the Institute Dashboard will load.
4. At the top of the dashboard screen, you will see a message stating: Info! Your account is being accessed from an unknown device, to save this device, click here.
5. Click the Click Here link. Enter the device name, and click submit.
6. From the dashboard, below the Sales grid, you will see a message stating: You have not connected your Stripe account for payment processing. To configure, click here.
7. Click the Click Here link if e-commerce is desired as a feature for training. The page will be directed to a Stripe Account creation screen. Proceed as Stripe informs. Upon successful account creation, the page will be directed to dashboard.
8. No credit card required. Upgrade anytime.
1. From the left menu, click Media, click Images.
2. Once the page loads, click the Upload hyperlink in the upper right side.
3. Drag and drop your images. Wait for each image to show a checkmark, click OK.
4. You can upload image files in the following formats: .gif, .png, .jpg.
5. Upload all the images, for use in courses, emails, and surveys.
6. To delete an image, mouse over the image, place a checkmark in the select checkbox, then click delete.
7. Next, click the Yes, Delete Image button.
1. From the left menu, click Media, click Video.
2. Once the page loads, click the Video Upload button.
3. Drag and drop your videos. Wait for each video to show a checkmark, click OK.
4. You can upload video files in the following format: .mp4, .mov, .ogv, .webm.
5. Upload all course videos, for use in courses.
6. Link YouTube account videos, click Connect YouTube Account.
7. Enter your google username, and password, click OK. Next, grant access for Shift LMS Inc to retrieve videos.
8. YouTube allows uploads of the video file types of .mp4, .mov, .ogv, .webm, once your account is connected.
9. Once the page loads, click the YouTube Upload button. A new web browser tab will open, you will be prompted to log into your google account. Upload all course videos, choose the public option from dropdown, add to playlist.
10. Switch back to the original web browser tab, click the refresh button, and all public YouTube videos that are a part of a YouTube video playlist are shown.
11. If you have any issues connecting your YouTube account, click the Help hyperlink for further directions on reconnecting your YouTube account.
12. Non YouTube video upload file type is restricted to .mp4, .mov, .ogv, .webm with H.264 encoder as output format.
13. The use of YouTube as the primary video upload feature is encouraged. YouTube provides the greatest flexibility for your uploaded video file types, auto processing, standardization of the video.
Add Location
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Locations.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Location button.
3. When the page loads, enter the location name, address information, and select if the location is active, then click save.
Edit Location
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Locations.
2. Once the page loads, from the location grid, click the Pencil Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. When the page loads, edit the location information, and select if the location is active, then click save.
Delete Location
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Locations.
2. Once the page loads, from the location grid, click the Trash Can Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. A modal popup will show, click Confirm to delete the location.
Add Catalog
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Catalogs.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Catalogs button.
3. When the page loads, enter the catalog name, description, image.
4. If a PAID catalog, select if catalog is active, enter the price, select if the catalog is active, then click save.
5. From the Catalog grid, click the Eye Icon, click the course on the left to move to the right as part of the added catalog.
Edit Catalog
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Catalogs.
2. Once the page loads, from the Catalog grid, click the Pencil Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. When the page loads, edit the catalog name, description, image.
4. If a PAID catalog, select if catalog is active, edit the price, select if the catalog is active, then click save.
5. From the Catalog grid, click the Eye Icon, click the course on the left to move to the right as part of the edited catalog, or to the left to remove.
Delete Catalog
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Catalogs.
2. Once the page loads, from the Catalog grid, click the Trash Can Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. No deletions are allowed if courses are within catalogs.
4. Confirm deletion.
Add Category
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Categories.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Categories button.
3. When the page loads, enter the category name, description, image, and select if the category is active, then click save.
Edit Category
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Categories.
2. Once the page loads, from the Category grid, click the Pencil Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. When the page loads, edit the category name, description, image, and select if the category is active, then click save.
Delete Category
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Categories.
2. Once the page loads, from the Category grid, click the Trash Can Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. No deletions are allowed if courses are within categories.
4. Confirm deletion.
Add Certificate
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Certifications.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Certificate button.
3. When the page loads, enter the certificate name, html, and select if the certificate is active, then click save.
Edit Certificate
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Certifications.
2. Once the page loads, from the Certificate grid, click the Pencil Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. When the page loads, edit the certificate name, html, and select if the certificate is active, then click save.
Delete Certificate
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Certifications.
2. Once the page loads, from the Certificate grid, click the Trash Can Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. Confirm deletion.
Add Badge
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Badges.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Badge button.
3. When the page loads, enter the badge name, from level points, to level points, a custom image, then click save.
Edit Badge
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Badges.
2. Once the page loads, from the Badge grid, click the Pencil Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. When the page loads, enter the badge name, from level points, to level points, a custom image, then click save.
Delete Badge
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Badges.
2. Once the page loads, from the badge grid, click the Trash Can Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. Confirm deletion.
Institute Logo
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Personalization.
2. Once the page loads, select the institute logo, and click OK.
3. Scroll down the page, click Update.
Course Color Scheme
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Personalization.
2. Once the page loads, edit the institute logo, and click OK.
3. Edit the primary color, background color, hyperlink colors, text color, click Update.
Learner Heading Image
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Personalization.
2. Once the page loads, edit the learner header image, and click OK.
3. Edit the background color, menu background color, click Update.
Add Instructor
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Instructors.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Instructor button or click the Import Instructors button.
3. To enter one instructor at a time, click the Add Instructor button.
4. When the page loads, enter the instructors information; e.g. first name, last name, email (username), password, profile image.
5. An automated welcome email will be sent to the email address entered, informing the individual of their new account; username, password.
6. Choose the Role for the Instructor, select multiple roles if instructors handle marketing functions (subClient) within the institute.
7. Select if instructor is active, click Save.
Import Instructor
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Instructors.
2. Once the page loads, click the Import Instructors button.
3. To enter multiple instructors at a time, click the Import Instructors button.
4. When the page loads, click Browse, select the instructors file to import, click Upload.
5. After the page loads, review the information within the Summary grid, if correct, click Continue.
6. An automated welcome email will be sent to the email addresses entered, informing the individuals of their new account; username, password.
7. The Role for the Instructors, will default to Instructor. This is able to be edited from the Instructor grid.
Edit Instructor
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Instructors.
2. Once the page loads, from the Instructor grid, click the Pencil Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. When the page loads, edit the instructors information; e.g. first name, last name, email (username), password, profile image.
4. Select if instructor is active, click Save.
Add Marketer
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Instructors.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Instructor button or click the Import Instructors button.
3. To enter one marketer at a time, click the Add Instructor button.
4. When the page loads, enter the marketers information; e.g. first name, last name, email (username), password, profile image.
5. An automated welcome email will be sent to the email address entered, informing the individual of their new account; username, password.
6. Choose the Role for the Marketer (subClient) within the institute.
7. Select if marketer is active, click Save.
Import Marketer
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Instructors.
2. Once the page loads, click the Import Instructors button.
3. To enter multiple marketers at a time, click the Import Instructors button.
4. When the page loads, click Browse, select the marketers file to import, click Upload.
5. After the page loads, review the information within the Summary grid, if correct, click Continue.
6. An automated welcome email will be sent to the email addresses entered, informing the individuals of their new account; username, password.
7. The Role for the Marketers, will default to Instructor; this must be edited from the Instructor grid to the role of SubClient.
Edit Marketer
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Instructors.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Instructor button or click the Import Instructors button.
3. To enter one marketer at a time, click the Add Instructor button.
4. When the page loads, edit the marketers information; e.g. first name, last name, email (username), password, profile image.
5. An automated welcome email will be sent to the email address entered, informing the individual of their new account; username, password.
6. Choose the Role for the Marketer (subClient) within the institute.
7. Select if marketer is active, click Save.
Add Course
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Courses.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Course button.
3. When the page loads, enter the course name, select the course type from the dropdown, select the category from the dropdown.
4. Enter the Course Unique URL, description, duration, is this a Paid course, if so, enter the Course Price.
5. Select if there is a Prerequisite course, choose from the prerequisite course dropdown, and choose a selection from the subsequent course dropdown.
6. Next, choose the course Language from the dropdown, select a Course Certificate from the dropdown, a course image, click Save.
7. After the page loads, click the Add Chapter button.
8. Enter the chapter name, summary, content. In the content editor toolbar, the first icon from the left to right is the Image Icon.
9. Click on the image icon, select browser server, a modal pop up will show your image media, choose the appropriate image, click OK.
10. In the content editor toolbar, the second icon from the left to right is the YouTube Icon.
11. Click on the youtube icon, enter the YouTube video URL, place a check mark in the appropriate checkbox control for the desired settings, click OK.
12. Click on the youtube icon, select browser server, a modal pop up will show your video media, choose the appropriate video, click OK.
13. In the content editor toolbar, the third icon from the left to right is the Video Icon.
14. Click on the video icon, select browser server, a modal pop up will show your video media, choose the appropriate video, click OK.
15. In the content editor toolbar, the eleventh icon from the left to right is the World Icon. Click the world icon to enter AWS Sumerian project URL's to use as video for AR, VR, 3d content.
16. Click Save. Next, click the Add Sections button.
17. When the page loads, enter the section name, summary, and content; e.g. add video, images, ar, vr, 3d.
18. Click Save. Next, if sections need to be assessed, click the Add Assessment button.
19. Enter the Assessment Name, description, if is compulsory, passing percentage, if is active, click Save.
20. Click the Add Question button. Enter the question text, type, time allotted to answer, video timeline reference link.
21. Click the red Video Icon to the right of the reference link, a modal pop up will show video media, select appropriate video, enter reference time for answer, click OK.
22. After the page loads,click the Add Answer button. Enter the answer text, select if is corrcet answer to question, click Save.
23. Assessments may be simulated with the Simulate Assessment button, click to view the assessment.
24. When finished adding assessment questions, answers, click Back To Course Details link.
25. To add course materials, click Add Course Materials button. Enter materials Name, description, select file, click Save.
26. To add a Final course assessment, click Add Final Assessment button. Repeat the above assessment procedures.
27. Use the Preview button to view the course from the perspective of a learner.
28. Once the course is ready for deployment, click the Publish button.
29. Next, click the Enroll User button to enroll learners.
Edit Course
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Courses.
2. Once the page loads, from the course grid, click the Eye Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. When the page loads, click the Pencil Icon on the right hand side of the item to edit.
4. Edit the Course chapters, sections, click Save.
Course Copy
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Courses.
2. Once the page loads, from the courses grid, click the Double Paper Icon button to Copy the course.
3. The modal pop up will request confirmation, click Yes.
4. A complete copy of the existing course is shown within the page. Make any edits, click Publish to save new version.
5. After the save, the new course loads for editing; e.g. edit the course, enroll users in the course, edit sections, chapters, assessments.
Delete Course
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Courses.
2. Once the page loads, from the courses grid, click the Trash Can Icon button to delete the course.
3. The modal pop up will request confirmation, click Confirm.
Course Prerequisites
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Courses.
2. Once the page loads, from the courses grid, click the Eye Icon button to edit the course.
3. After the page loads, click the Edit button.
4. Next, the course loads for editing, providing the ability to select Specify pre-requisite; e.g. choose a course that must be completed prior, after, or both from the dropdowns provided.
5. Click Save.
Course Versioning
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Courses.
2. Once the page loads, from the courses grid, click the Eye Icon button.
3. When the page loads, click the Create new Version button.
4. After the page loads, click the Add Chapter button.
5. Edit the chapter name, summary, content. In the content editor toolbar, the first icon from the left to right is the Image Icon.
6. Click on the image icon, select browser server, a modal pop up will show your image media, choose the appropriate image, click OK.
7. In the content editor toolbar, the second icon from the left to right is the YouTube Icon.
8. Click on the youtube icon, enter the YouTube video URL, place a check mark in the appropriate checkbox control for the desired settings, click OK.
9. Click on the youtube icon, select browser server, a modal pop up will show your video media, choose the appropriate video, click OK.
10. In the content editor toolbar, the third icon from the left to right is the Video Icon.
11. Click on the video icon, select browser server, a modal pop up will show your video media, choose the appropriate video, click OK.
12. In the content editor toolbar, the eleventh icon from the left to right is the World Icon. Click the world icon to enter AWS Sumerian project URL's to use as video for AR, VR, 3d content.
13. Click Save. Next, click the Add Sections button.
14. When the page loads, edit the section name, summary, and content; e.g. add video, images, ar, vr, 3d.
15. Click Save. Next, if sections need to be assessed, click the Add Assessment button.
16. Edit the Assessment Name, description, if is compulsory, passing percentage, if is active, click Save.
17. Click the Add Question button. Edit the question text, type, time allotted to answer, video timeline reference link.
18. Click the red Video Icon to the right of the reference link, a modal pop up will show video media, select appropriate video, enter reference time for answer, click OK.
19. After the page loads,click the Add Answer button. Edit the answer text, select if is corrcet answer to question, click Save.
20. Assessments may be simulated with the Simulate Assessment button, click to view the assessment.
21. When finished adding assessment questions, answers, click Back To Course Details link.
22. To add course materials, click Add Course Materials button. Edit materials Name, description, select file, click Save.
23. To add a Final course assessment, click Add Final Assessment button. Repeat the above assessment procedures.
24. Use the Preview button to view the course from the perspective of a learner.
25. Once the course is ready for deployment, click the Publish button.
Add Learner
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Learners.
2. Once the page loads, click the Add Learner button or click the Import Learners button.
3. To enter one learner at a time, click the Add Learner button.
4. When the page loads, enter the learners information; e.g. first name, last name, email (username), password.
5. An automated welcome email will be sent to the email address entered, informing the individual of their new account; username, password.
6. Select if learner is active, click Save.
Import Learners
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Learners.
2. Once the page loads, click the Import Learners button.
3. To enter multiple learners at a time, click the Import Learners button.
4. When the page loads, click Browse, select the learners file to import, select course from dropdown to enroll learners, click Upload.
5. After the page loads, review the information within the Summary grid, if correct, click Continue.
6. An automated welcome email will be sent to the email addresses entered, informing the individuals of their new account; username, password.
Edit Learner
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Learners.
2. Once the page loads, from the Learner grid, click the Pencil Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. When the page loads, edit the learners information; e.g. first name, last name, email (username), password.
4. Select if learner is active, click Save.
Learner Performance Report
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Learners.
2. Once the page loads, from the Learner grid, click the Paper Icon on the right hand side of grid.
3. When the page loads, the learners course performance information is displayed for review.
Add Custodian
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Learners.
2. Once the page loads, click the Edit Learner button.
3. At the top, click the Add Custodian link.
4. When the page loads, enter the Custodians information; e.g. first name, last name, email (username), password.
5. An automated welcome email will be sent to the email address entered, informing the individual of their new account; username, password.
6. Select if Custodian is active, click Save.
Edit Custodian
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Learners.
2. When the page loads, click the Edit Learner button.
3. Next, click the Edit Custodian link.
4. When the page loads, enter the Custodians information; e.g. first name, last name, email (username), password.
5. Select if Custodian is active, click Save.
Print ID Card
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Enrollments.
2. Once the page loads, from the enrolled learner grid, click the Printer Icon.
3. When the page loads, select file, print, select your ID card printer; e.g. layout (single-sided), color ribbon. Click OK
4. Load card stock in card printer, click Print.
If no Institute website url is entered, the card will default to
If the Instructor does not create the course themselves, enroll their students from within their roles, the institute's data will populate the completed course learner card.
Create Email
1. From the left menu, click Email Marketing, click Create Email.
2. Once the page loads, enter the email message name, description, subject, body; e.g. add images, text, placeholders.
3. Add Images from your Image Media. Click the toolbar Image Icon, a modal pop up loads, select Browse Server button to load all existing stored image media.
4. Select the appropriate image, edit alignment, size, text, click OK.
5. Add placeholders for personalized emails, use the responsive email templates for out-of-the-box responsive emails.
6. Use responsive email templates. Click the 2nd toolbar Icon from the left, the Paper Icon, a modal pop up loads, select an existing responsive email template.
7. The responsive email template loads within body, edit as required fro preferred design, layout, style. Always preview emails prior to send for expected presentation.
8. To preview emails, click the 3rd toolbar icon from the left, Paper Magnify Glass Icon; e.g. new window with full layout loads.
9. After all email data is entered, and the email has been previewed for layout, responsiveness, click the Create Email button.
10. When the Email Dashboard loads, click any link to edit, send, view emails.
Create List
1. From the left menu, click Email Marketing, click Create Lists.
2. Once the page loads, enter the email list name, description, click the Create List button.
3. Next, create list Extended properties; e.g. multiple email addresses, address, mobile number.
4. Click Add New Extended Property. When the page loads, enter property name, help text, if filed is required, any validation expressions against the data entered, click Add Extended Property.
5. To add email recipients, click on either of the audience buttons; e.g. Add Recipient, Bulk Add Recipients, Add Instructors, Add Learners.
6. Also, click the Download button to retrieve an existing list, or click on the Copy Listbutton to create a new list audience.
7. After all email list data is entered, click the Send An Email Message button.
Send Email
1. From the left menu, click Email Marketing, click Send Email.
2. Once the Send dropdowns loads, select the email message, select the distribution list, click Preview Email button.
3. After the page loads, click to enable email country logging, preview email audience, edit email send name, schedule the email for sending, or send immediately.
4. To Send email immediately, click Send Emails Now button.
5. The results of the email immediate send will load on page, click details for more granular information.
6. To schedule the send of the email, click Schedule Send button.
7. When the page loads, make your scheduled send selections from the numerous options provided; e.g. date, time, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, number of occurrences.
8. Click Set Schedule To Send button. Once page loads, click the Click Here To Proceedlink.
9. From the Email Dashboard, click to edit, send, view emails.
Create Survey
1. From the left menu, click Learner Surveys, click Create Survey.
2. When the page loads, enter the survey information; e.g. name, start date, end date, description, images, Unique Survey URL.
3. Click Create Survey.
4. Once the Survey Dashboard loads, from the Survey grid, click on the survey name to edit the survey; e.g. create survey questions.
5. Next click Questions List link to create survey questions.
6. Click Add New Questionbutton, enter the question, answer, click Add; enter each answer for the question, clicking Add button for each answer.
7. When all answers have been added for the question, click Create Question.
8. Continue to add, edit, delete, questions from the survey. After all questions have been added, click Back to Survey Details.
9. Once the Survey Dashboard loads, from the Survey grid, edit, or view survey results.
Unique URL : For example,
Edit Survey
1. From the left menu, click Learner Surveys, click Dashboard.
2. Once the Survey Dashboard loads, from the Survey grid, click on the survey name to edit the survey; e.g. create survey questions.
3. Click Questions List link to create survey questions.
4. Click Add New Questionbutton, enter the question, answer, click Add; enter each answer for the question, clicking Add button for each answer.
5. When all answers have been added for the question, click Create Question.
6. Continue to add, edit, delete, questions from the survey. After all questions have been added, click Back to Survey Details.
7. When the page loads, click Edit button to edit the survey; e.g. survey information within.
Announce Survey
1. From the left menu, click Learner Surveys, click Dashboard.
2. Once the Survey Dashboard loads, from the Survey grid, click on the survey name to announce the survey.
3. When the page loads, click Announce survey to send the survey email template; e.g. survey information within.
4. To Announce a Survey to your audience, click the Announce Survey button.
5. After the page loads, click to enable email country logging, preview survey audience, edit announcement send name, schedule the announcement for sending, or send immediately.
6. To Send survey annonucement immediately, click Send Emails Now button.
7. The results of the survey announcement immediate send will load on page, click details for more granular information.
8. To schedule the send of the survey annonucement, click Schedule Send button.
9. When the page loads, make your scheduled send selections from the numerous options provided; e.g. date, time, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, number of occurrences.
10. Click Set Schedule To Send button. Once page loads, click the Click Here To Proceedlink.
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Announcements, click Calendar.
2. Once the page loads, view your calendar; e.g. posts.
Send Announcement
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Announcements, click Send.
2. Once the page loads, select location from the dropdown, select user(s), enter the subject, message, and any attachments.
3. Click Submit.
4. An automated email will be sent to the recipients, and a post within their calendar.
Add Assignment
1. From the left menu, click Assignments, click Add.
2. Once the page loads, fill out the data fields; e.g. Assignment Name, Description.
3. Choose the appropriate assignment grading method; e.g. letter, percentage.
4. Select the Assignment File to upload.
5. Use the toggle control to choose Is Published for the assignment file.
6. Click Add Assignment.
Edit Assignment
1. From the left menu, click Assignments, click List All, click the appropriate Assignment to Edit, to Assign Learners, to Review Submitted Learner Assignments.
2. Once the page loads, edit Assignment data fields; e.g. Assignment Name, Description, Grading, Is Published.
3. Click edit Assignment.
4. If Adding Learners to receive the assignment, under Actions, Click Assign Learners, Select Location, Select Learner(s).
5. Click Save Learner Details.
6. If Reviewing Learner Submitted Assignments, under Actions, Click Review Learner Assignments.
7. Once the page loads, edit the submitted Assignment, Grade accordingly.
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Sales.
2. Once the page loads, view your sales; e.g. print screen.
Top Learners
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Top Learners.
2. Once the page loads, view your Learners; e.g. print screen.
Online Users
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Online Users.
2. Once the page loads, view your Online Users; e.g. print screen.
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Courses.
2. Once the page loads, view your Courses; e.g. print screen.
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Assessments.
2. Once the page loads, view your Assessments; e.g. print screen.
Course Completions
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Course Completions.
2. Once the page loads, view your Course Completions; e.g. print screen.
Survey Report
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Survey Report.
2. Once the page loads, use the filters to download the correct survey.
3. Click the Download button to retrieve survey report.
Activity Report
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Activity Report.
2. Once the page loads, Click the Download button to retrieve activity report.
Export Account Data
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Export Account Data.
2. Once the page loads, Click the Export Data button to retrieve data.
Email Deliverability Report
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Reports, click Email Deliverability Report.
2. Once the page loads, use the filters to download the correct email.
3. Click the Download button to retrieve Email Deliverability report.
Change Password
1. From the upper right menu, click My Profile.
2. Once the page loads, click the Change Password link.
3. When the modal popup loads, enter the current password information, new password, confirm new password, click Change.
Change Subscription
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Subscriptions, click Change Plan.
2. When the change subscription plan page loads, select the appropriate plan, and Sign Up.
3. If you are upgrading from a Basic account, you will be required to enter your credit card information for processing.
4. Upon successful credit card transaction completion, you will be returned to the change plan page with the new plan selected as Current.
Preferred Language
1. From the upper right menu, click My Profile.
2. Once the page loads, click the Edit Profile button.
3. When the page loads, edit the profile; e.g. first name, last name, profile image, location preferred language.
4. Select the preferred language.
5. Click Save.
Add Edit Profile
1. From the upper right menu, click My Profile.
2. Once the page loads, click the Edit Profile button.
3. When the page loads, edit the profile; e.g. first name, last name, profile image, location preferred language.
4. Click Save.
Account Access Log
1. From the upper right menu, click My Profile.
2. Once the page loads, click the View Log link.
3. When the page loads, from the access log grid, view, sort, filter, search all account access.
Email Unsubscribe
1. From the upper right menu, click My Profile.
2. Once the page loads, click the Unsubscribe link.
3. When the page loads, the account email address will have been removed from receiving system emails.
4. From the My Profile page, click subscribe to subscribe to system emails.
Close Account
1. From the upper right menu, click My Profile.
2. Once the page loads, click the Close Account link.
3. When the modal pop up loads, confirm to close account.
4. Once confirmed, the account is closed.
Edit Institute website URL
1. From the Dashboard, scroll down page to Institute information, click Edit Info.
2. When the page loads, edit Institution name, Domain name, select if active, click Save.
3. The institution name, domain name entered here will print on all learner ID cards.
Edit Institute Name
1. From the Dashboard, scroll down page to Institute information, click Edit Info.
2. When the page loads, edit Institution name, Domain name, select if active, click Save.
3. The institution name, domain name entered here will print on all learner ID cards.
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Subscriptions, click Invoices.
2. Once the page loads, from the invoice grid, click the Invoice Icon to view the invoice.
Account Usage
1. From the left menu, click Administration, click Subscriptions, click Usage.
2. Once the page loads, the account usage will be shown for subscription features.
3. To modify your existing subscription plan, click the Change Plan button.
4. When the change subscription plan page loads, select the appropriate plan, and Sign Up.
5. If you are upgrading from a Basic account, you will be required to enter your credit card information for processing.
6. Upon successful credit card transaction completion, you will be returned to the change plan page with the new plan selected as Current.